The commonest forms of gambling were playing scratchcards, playing the lottery, and private betting with friends. Although gambling frequency increased between the ages of 17 and 20 years, gambling behaviors showed little variance between 20 and 24 years, except online gambling and betting on horseraces. Regular (weekly) gambling showed a strong gender effect, increasing among young men from 13% at 17 years to 18% at 20 years, and 17% at 24 years. Participation in gambling in the last year was reported by 54% of 17-year-olds, rising to 68% at 20 years, and 66% at 24 years, with little overall variance. The sample sizes were 3566 at age 17 years, 3940 at 20 years, and 3841 at 24 years only 1672 completed all three surveys. Participants completed computer-administered gambling surveys in research clinics, on paper, and online. A large contemporary UK cohort study, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, was used to investigate gambling behavior and to explore the antecedents of regular gambling in the 17–24-year age group.